• Jul 08 Thu 2010 10:02
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  • Jul 02 Fri 2010 08:45






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  • Jun 30 Wed 2010 20:01
  • 價值


 KK168: 那是因為我回台灣你會覺得你沒辨法控制我
 吸金磁鐵吸吸吸: 那你就不要回來
 KK168: 我回來只是處理需要處理的事情而已
 吸金磁鐵吸吸吸: 比你多金ㄉ人多ㄉ是

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A few days ago, my teacher said, perhaps you could write some stories surrounding yourselves with Karma, if you wanted.As I know, Karma has special meaning in Buddhism and Hinduism, not to mention Taoism. It depends on different cultures and religions, so it has different explanation from them.

 Although I am not intrested in religion when I was young, I used to think that people needed to do good things to help strangers as often as you could and even should not do something tiny harmful things. Furthermore there are some religions instructions that is  people belive the sum of good and bad actions in our life. May decide their fate in the next or forseeable future.

For example when something happens that would be hard to explain in science and technology, such as life comes full circle when good people could have success in life easily. According to a religions explanation, they had done a lot of good things in past, so they could get what they deserved .

On the other hand, if you have done many crimes violations of society, sometimes you would find it hard yo imagine how terrible the punishment could be. You may have earned the bad things that happened to you. It is not an accidental phenomena. It was call   "karma " live, old , ill, dead ,all kinds of results that all fallow this rule.

Actually, most religions, they have always encourged people to spontaneously to the poor make donations to charity and do your best helping people anonymously . Do not require someone pay it forward. It would reduce your retribution for sin ,then you could have a peaceful spirit good health success including your family ,even your next genaration. Similarly, you should help someone who has already helped you.

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         If  I  saw  the  movie  with  my  own  language  subtitle  .  I  thought  I  could  catch  more  than  90%  of  the  meaning  ,  but  it  would  not  help  me  to  learn  English  .  However  ,  I   knew  how  to  write  afterwards  in  Chinese  ,  but  when  I  wanted  to  write  something  about  what  I  saw  and  how  I  felt  after  watching  this  film with  English  .  I  have  totally  no  idea  ,  and  it is  very  difficult  to  start  and  easy  to  get  frustrated  .

           I  could  not  believe  that  twenty  years  have  passed  since  I  first  saw  this  movie  .  I  was  a  senior  high  school  student  at  that  time  ,  and  this  was  one  of  the  first  movies  I  ever  saw  that  won  a  lot  of  Oscars.  I  thought  it  would  be  a  great  movie  and  incredibly  powerful  .  However  I  could  understand  the  most  of  the  meaning  on  this  movie  due  to  the  teacher's  introduction  had  already  been  introduced  .  This  masterpiece  novel  was  written  by  Michael  Blake  ,  and  this  successful  film  was  made  by  Kevin  Costnes  .

           From  the  opening  scene  ,  I  felt  Dunbar  was  brave  ,  affective  ,  intellectual  ,  energetic  ,  and  honourable  .  I  wondered  why  he  was  a  suicidal  soldier  at  that  character  .  Maybe  the  healthcare  was  poor  ,  he  was  unwilling  to  stay  alive  with  sacrific  of  principles  or  honour  ,  so  if  he  had  to  have  his  leg  amputated  ,  there  was  nothing  better  than  die  in  the  Civil  War  .  Actually  ,  he  did  not  die  ,  on  the  contrary  ,  those  soldiers'  spirit  was  encouraged  by  his  suicidal  riding  along  the  enemy  entrenchment  .  It  seemed  like  a  crazy  idea  and  then  it  all  went  on  unexpected  development .

           Later  on  ,  Dunbar  took  his  post  ,  faithfully  performed  his  duties  ,  awaited  his  relief  ,  gradually  becoming  more  and  more  comfortable  in  his  surrounding  .  Most  importantly  things  ,  he  had  a  amazing  friendships  with  the  Sioux  tribe  and  a  wild  wolf  .  Nonetheless  ,  a  friendship  between  an  early  American  soldier  and  the  Sioux  tribe  had  never  been  done  before  ,  so  this  was  a  major  accomplishment  and  a  major  contribution  to  our  knowledge  of  American  cultural  history  .  And  on  top  of  that  I  believed  this  movie  delivered  a  message  about  American  history  better  than  any  book  did  ,  and  the  other  thing  we  should  not  forget  quickly  .  There  was  majesty  in  freedom  ,  and  that  was  taken  away  from  many  Indians  ,  not  just  the  Sioux  .  Native  Americans  were  people  ,  just  like  us  ,  trying  to  survive  and  raising  their  children  in  a  dangerous  and  changing  world  .  They  only  killed  when  it  was  necessary  :  self-defense  ,  protection  of  their  land  ,  beliefs  ,  and  so  on  ,  they  could  hate  ,  love  laugh  and  cry  .  This  movie  also  showed  that  their  societied  had  bouth  good  and  bad  in  them  ,  no  different  than  us  .  When  they  murdered  and  scalped  the  white  men  and  killed  and  skinned  those  buffalos  ,  It  made  me  flesh  creep  .

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          Personal  experience  often  taught  us  leasons about  life  .  When  something  unusual  happens  ,  we  may  change  our  attitude  toward  a  person  or  a  situation  .  Or  we  may  find  out  something  about  ourselves  ,  about  others  ,  or  about  the  world  .  My  friend  told  me  he  is  a  person  who  has  hated  to  fight  since  he  was  six  years  old  .

          About  twenty  years  ago  ,  when  he  was  living  in  Pineapple  Village  in  my  hometown  ,  his  parents  inherited  that  house  and  three  acres  pineapple  farm  from  his  ancestors  ,  so  his  parents  worked  hard  from  morning  till  night  .  However  ,  they  never  became  rich  ,  and  his  parents  did  not  have  much  time  to  take  care  of  children  .  They  had  to  stay  at  home  ,  older  children  had  to  take  care  of  younger  ones  .  It  was  no  reason  ,  so  older  sister  and  brother  needed  to  take  more  responsible  in  the  house  .

          You  knew  ,  boys  are  always  mischievous  when  they  are  younger  .  My  friend  had  four  brothers  .  The  older  brother  took  care  of  those  boys  ,  it  was  not  a  thankful  task  ,  because  sometime  you  may  have  squabbles  between  sibling  while  parents  were  not  at  home  ,  and  going  out  to  do  farming  .  Not  only  farmer  should  have  many  agricultural  utensils  ,  sickles  ,  but  also  you  could  see  choppers  and  different  kind  of  kinfes  put  on  the  shelf  in  front  of  yard  ,  including  my  friend  .

          Children  used  to  play  in  a  big  area  near  the  shelf  .  One  day  ,  his  brother  played  a  trick  on  him  ,  he  hated  it  when  anybody  cheating  him  .  At  the  beginning  ,  they  just  disagreed  with  each  other  .  Finally  there  was  a  big  noise  ,  and  then  all  hell  broke  loose  ,  so  he  had  to  struggle  physically  with  his  brother  .  His  brother  was  big  enough  ,  and  he  could  get  away  guickly  .  He  lost  his  temper  with  his  brother  ,  and  shouted  at  him  .  Suddenly  ,  he  was  out  of  control  ,  even  though  he  knew  he  should  not  pick  up  a  medium  size  of  fitchen  knief  randomly  ,  and  threw  it  at  his  brother  .  Well  ,  it  did  sound  very  ,  very  weird  .  He  said  :[  He  was  very  young  ,  so  he  did  not  have  too  much  strength  .  He  was  not  able  to  trow  it  too  far  .  ]  

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我找一個人 ,  他沒接電話





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      Once  upon  a  time  a  God  said : This  lady  is  greedy  for  profit  , so  I'll  make  two  options  for  her.  A  solution  plan that  gives  she  the  option  to  live  with  her  husband  without  her  husband's  business .  On  the  other  hand  is  keeping  her husband's  bussiness  but  the  couple  need  to  live  seperation  .  Those  options  let  her  hard  to  make  a  decision  . She  loves  her  husband  so  much  .  Why  the  God  picking  her  ?  The  greedy  women  asked :  Is  there  no  simple  solution  to  this  problem  ? The  God  answered  :  The  final  decision  is  yours   till  tomorrow ,  and   the  God  disapeared  quickly .  It's  a  difficult  decision  for  any  female .  While  she  thought  the  o'clock  kept  ticking  away . A  light  began  to  lighten  in  her  mind  , she  thought  her  husband  always  treats  her  nice  than  her  family . She  doesn't  want  her  husband  disappointed  and  lose  his  business  .........................................................................................................................................................  《continue》

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Organizers are forced to take allternative route after protesters grind procession to a halt

Everything was going so smoothly. Then the torch hit downtown.As the Olympic tourch relay marched down Yonge St.on Thursday night, hundreds of protesters flooded the procession to a halt. Dozens of police officers carrying batons barricaded about 300 demonstratora in the intersection , where they stood chanting "No Olympics on Stolen Native Land"while holding a papier-mache torch .

Up Yonge, fans of torch carrier Akshay Kumar ,Bollwood's equivalent of BradPitt, pushed their way onyo the street ,further clogging the street . Delayed by an hour ,the relay organizers turned to Plan B . They put the torch in its protective safety lantern and the convoy drove on ,diverting west along Wellesley St. to its scheduled stop at the Hospital for Sick Children .

Thursday's incident marks the second time the torch has been held up by protests in its 106-day , 45000-kilometer journey to the Games

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Lovers of white chocolate are often left out in the frenzy for dark chocolate. these seasonal cookies ,from Bite Me: A Stomach-Satisfying , Visually Gratifying , Fresh-Mouthed Cookbook by Torontonians Julie Albert and Lisa Gnat, give them the glory they are due .

White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies

1/2 cup unslated butter, at room temperature

1/2 cup each : granulated sugar, ligh brown sugar

1 large egg

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One old man who carries a old suitcase and walks on a weed fields .He wears a old coat, but gets burn when he walked 100 miles .Finally he falls down and passes away.After that a grass grows from his body and gradually more and more . Those grasses becomes flowers, trees and tomb . Nobody remembers him any more .

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