
A few days ago, my teacher said, perhaps you could write some stories surrounding yourselves with Karma, if you wanted.As I know, Karma has special meaning in Buddhism and Hinduism, not to mention Taoism. It depends on different cultures and religions, so it has different explanation from them.

 Although I am not intrested in religion when I was young, I used to think that people needed to do good things to help strangers as often as you could and even should not do something tiny harmful things. Furthermore there are some religions instructions that is  people belive the sum of good and bad actions in our life. May decide their fate in the next or forseeable future.

For example when something happens that would be hard to explain in science and technology, such as life comes full circle when good people could have success in life easily. According to a religions explanation, they had done a lot of good things in past, so they could get what they deserved .

On the other hand, if you have done many crimes violations of society, sometimes you would find it hard yo imagine how terrible the punishment could be. You may have earned the bad things that happened to you. It is not an accidental phenomena. It was call   "karma " live, old , ill, dead ,all kinds of results that all fallow this rule.

Actually, most religions, they have always encourged people to spontaneously to the poor make donations to charity and do your best helping people anonymously . Do not require someone pay it forward. It would reduce your retribution for sin ,then you could have a peaceful spirit good health success including your family ,even your next genaration. Similarly, you should help someone who has already helped you.

By the way. eastern and weastern culture are a little bit different .In weastern culture people were told "what you do to others, God will do to three time as much", so people do good by free-will. It is not like in eastern culture  as on top of what I has already mentioned, people are afraid of being punished and expect to have a good life in the future. Are you heard about that I thought you could not believe because religious books described there is just one paradise in heaven ,it was hard to enter in there and eighteen levels of hell. each level has own boss, many kinds of torture  tools waiting for you that become extremely scared will be thought right?

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