The very day that winter ends ,Skunk wakes from dreaming of her friends .
She blinks her eyes and shakes her head , then jumps right up and makes her bed .
"Hooray!My winter nap is done !
It's time for me to have some fun ."
Skunk yawns and stretches , twists and bends , then scurries off to find her friends .
"Good morning , Turtle ," call out Skunt .
" Where are you , Mole ?Hellow , Chipmunk ."
Skunk listens hard and smells the air , but does find them anywhere .
" Where are my friends ? Where can they be ?
Have all of them forgotten me ?"
" Perhaps they hate the way I smell . "
Skunk stamps her feet and starts to yell .
But no one hears Skunk rant and rave .
( Not even Bear inside his cave .)
Skunk is thirsty , sad and hot .
"A drink , " she says " would hit the spot . "
She sighs and give herself a shake ,
then slowly trudges to the lake .
Skunk's friends are waiting on sand to welcome Skunk as they had planned .
Bunny hops about . "Oh dear , I thought by now Skunk would be here . "
" She always wakes and takes a drink . "
" She always wakes and takes a drink . "
Fox sniffs and says , " That's her , I think . "
" Hush , " says Turtle , with a wink .
" Don't scare her or she'll make a stink . "
" Shunk ! squeals Mole . " How do you do ?
We've got a big surprise for you .
For mounths we've planned a talent show .
Ready or not , Skunk , here we go !''
Fox shows Skunk Frog's favorite joke .
Frog laughs so hard he starts to croak
Turtle strikes a Skunk like pose , then dances lightly on toes .
Chipmunk tosses nut and stick , and teaches Skunk some juggling tricks .
Mole dances like an acrobat ,while Crow flips Bunny from a hat .
Snake and Ladybug hum a note , then sing a song for Skunk they wrote .
Ant swings Beetle by the knees , then lands in front of Skunk with ease .
" The end , " say Beetle , Ant , and Crow .
" We hope that you enjoyed the show !"
" That's not the end . " Skunk starts to rise .
" I also have a spring surprise . "
Skunk leaps the words upon her page .
" When I wake from my winter's sleep , I love to hear the robins peep .
I love to small the sweet spring breeze .
I love to see the budding trees .
" When I wake from my winter's rest , I'll tell you what I love the best :
To see my friends down by the lake makes me so glad to be awake . "
Skunk 's friends all clap and make a fuss .
" We love the poem you wrote for us . "
" And we love YOU , " her friends all sing .
They hug and kiss her . " Happy spring ! "
By Lesl'ea Newman & Valeri Gorbachev